7.2. System of preheat of the diesel engine
For achievement of necessary temperature of ignition of the air-fuel mix compressed in cylinders of the cold engine the system of a preliminary incandescence is used.
The special candle consisting of the case with the heating core, vpressovanny in it, created by two spirals is rolled in the combustion chamber of each of cylinders: heating and adjusting. After giving of tension the heating spiral in a core heats up within several seconds to temperature + 850 °C, at the same time current, passed through a candle reaches 30A. With increase in extent of warming up increases and resistance was filched that promotes decrease in current to value 15 - 25 A. After shutdown of a control lamp of system of an incandescence on the dashboard dies away it is possible to carry out start the engine.
Time spent for a preliminary warming up of cylinders no more than 10 with is also regulated by the special relay and the module of engine management (ECM) through the sensor of temperature of cooling liquid (ECT) obtaining information on the current temperature of the engine. On the basis of the analysis of the obtained data of ECM exercises control of duration of functioning of system of an incandescence and working current of heating.
On diesel engines with direct injection need for a preliminary incandescence arises only at temperatures below 0 °C. |