
3.24. Replacement of brake fluid

Repeatedly do not apply the brake fluid which was in the use! Old brake fluid is much more darkly fresher. It allows to distinguish them easily.

It is not necessary to pour out brake fluid together with household waste or somewhere to other place. Local authorities have to inform on collection points for brake fluid.

General information

The following belongs to number of the tools necessary for implementation of the described procedure:

Brake fluid through a time of brake hoses and an air vent of the GTTs tank absorbs the moisture which is contained in the atmosphere. Thereof liquid boiling temperature in use decreases. At big load of brakes it can lead even to steam formation that reduces efficiency of action of brakes.

Brake fluid owes each 2 years, it is desirable in the spring, to be replaced with new. At the frequent movement in the mountain area, liquid needs to be replaced more often.

On HUNDRED air from the brake system, as a rule, is removed on the special device. However it can be done also without use of the specified device. At the same time the brake system is pumped over by a brake pedal. For this purpose participation of the assistant is required.

If in the course of removal of air from the brake system liquid level sharply decreases, then there is a suction of the air getting to the pump ABS. In this case removal of air needs to be made on HUNDRED with use of the special device. When replacing any brake hose air needs also to be removed from system on HUNDRED. Until it is made, it is impossible to use the car.

Pumping of brake mechanisms is made in the following order:


  1. The support is back right
  2. The support is back left
  3. The support is forward right
  4. The support is forward left

Observe special precautionary measures during the work with brake fluid (see the Head Tormoznaya and auxiliary systems).

Order of implementation of the procedure


  1. By means of a suction remove brake fluid from the GTTs tank, having left a layer of liquid about 10 mm thick at the bottom of the tank. Do not delete all liquid from the tank, otherwise air will get to the brake system.
  2. Fill the compensation tank with fresh brake fluid to a tag "MOVE".
  3. Carefully, not to curtail, open the union of removal of air. It is recommended in 2 hours prior to removal of air to process the union means for removal of a rust. If the union does not open, then operation on removal of air from the brake system should be charged to a workshop.

    For an otvorachivaniye of the union use a cap key with a cutting head

    The union for removal of air

  4. On the right back support of the disk wheel brake mechanism put on a pure transparent hose the union of removal of air and insert it into a suitable vessel.
  5. Ask the assistant to squeeze out repeatedly a brake pedal until counter-pressure to pressing of a pedal becomes notable. Press a pedal and open the union of removal of air. Close the union after the brake pedal rests against a body floor. Take away a leg from a pedal. Repeating this process, pump out about 400-500 ml of old brake fluid.
  6. Close the union of removal of air and fill in new brake fluid in the compensation tank.
  7. In the same way pump out old brake fluid from other supports or wheel brake cylinders, observing the sequence stated above.

The merged brake fluid anyway has to be pure and without air bubbles! From each brake support it is necessary to pump out about 400-500 cm of the 3rd old brake fluid.

  1. Hand over old brake fluid on special point on reception of the fulfilled fuels and lubricants.
  2. Press a brake pedal and check its free wheeling which should not exceed 1/3 courses of a pedal.
  3. Fill in brake fluid in the tank to earlier existing level.
  4. Screw a stopper on the tank.
  5. Make sure of durability of fixing of brake tubes and hoses in all provided clamps. Check reliability of delay in nipple connections and gates of pumping. Check liquid level in the GTTs tank.
  6. On the working engine check tightness of system. For this purpose press about 10 times a brake pedal with effort of 200 - 300 N (there correspond 20 - 30 kg). The pedal of a brake should not leave back. Check all connections for tightness.
  7. In conclusion check action of brakes on the road with not heavy traffic of transport. For this purpose it is necessary to make not less than one strong braking, having checked ABS action (a sign of work of ABS the brake pedal pulsation when braking is).

You watch the transport going following your car. The effect of action of ABS is best of all shown on the unpaved road.