
3.4. Check of levels of liquids, control of leaks

Below the order of the procedure, made on a monthly basis is described. The description of checks of levels of other liquids can be found further in the appropriate sections devoted to concrete procedures of service. Regardless of the intervals stipulated by the Schedule, try not to leave without attention the facts of emergence of potek of liquids under cars, - similar signs indicate existence of the malfunctions which are subject to immediate elimination.

When checking level of any working liquid the car has to settle down strictly horizontally!

Liquids are the integral component of lubrication systems, coolings, braking and washing of glasses. In view of a normal expenditure and a tendency to pollution in use of the car, it is necessary to make periodically checks of a state/levels and replacement of working liquids, - study requirements of Specifications to types of the applied structures and volumes of filling of the corresponding systems.

Motive oil

Visual control of leaks


  1. At noticeable oiling of the power unit and a big consumption of oil attentively examine places of the most probable development of leaks:
  • Sealing element of a cover of a jellied mouth of motive oil, - check for existence of cracks and other mechanical damages;
  • Components of system of ventilation of a case (in particular, - the ventilating hose going from a cover of a head of cylinders to an inlet air duct);
  • Laying of a cover(s) of a head of cylinders;
  • Laying of a head(s) of cylinders;
  • Sealing element of a drain stopper of the pallet of a case of the engine;
  • Laying of an oil filter, - attentively study the place of a prileganiye of the filter to a landing flange;
  • Laying of the pallet of a case;
  • Forward and back epiploons of a bent shaft.
  1. Wrap the generator in polyethylene, spray the engine a usual cold cleaner, - then, through short time, - wash out the unit on car wash.
  2. Powder joints of the interfaced surfaces and sealing elements of the power unit outside with lime or talc.
  3. Check oil level, in case of need make the corresponding adjustment (see below).
  4. During short (about 30 km) trips (it is desirable on the high-speed route) warm up the engine up to the normal working temperature, - hot oil differs in the increased fluidity and easier filters through thinnesses.
  5. Park the car in the safe place and, highlighting themselves a lamp, investigate the engine for the purpose of localization of sources of leak of oil. Remove the causes of development of leaks.

Check of level


The maximum admissible consumption of motive oil makes 1l/1000 km, real level of consumption of oil depends on a driving manner, - the frequent movement with high turns of the engine leads to increase in a consumption of oil.

Information on the principle of functioning of a control lamp of level of motive oil is provided in the Section Combination of Devices, measuring instruments and control lamps and light indicators.

  1. The control lamp which is built in assembly of the lock of ignition warns about dangerous falling of level of motive oil of the driver (see the Section Combination of Devices, measuring instruments and control lamps and light indicators). The sensor of level/temperature/quality of oil is located under the car, in the right forward corner of the pallet of a case of the engine (see сопр. illustration).

On models ML 230 the sensor switch of level of oil (S43) is used.

  1. Check of level of motive oil is made by means of the measuring probe passed throughout the directing tube and the pallet of its case lowered in the engine to the lower point. Check of level of oil has to be made before the first in the present day trip, or about 5 minutes later after an engine stop. If to execute check immediately after switching off of the engine, its results will adequately not reflect a situation as a part of oil will be distributed on internal galleries and components of the engine.

Check of level of motive oil

  1. Take the measuring probe from the directing tube and dry wipe its edge with pure rags or a paper towel. Fill the probe back in a tube against the stop, then again take. Having examined a probe edge, estimate the size of the site moistened with oil. Level of oil has to be between the top and lower marks in a probe edge. In case of need add the corresponding amount of oil of the required grade in the engine.

    Level of oil has to be between lower (MIN) and top (MOVE) marks in an edge of the measuring probe

  1. Lowering of level out of limits of the lower bound of admissible range leads to development of oil starvation of the engine fraught with serious mechanical damages of the last. Try not to pour also oil above the top mark as it can lead to a pelting of spark plugs or failure of epiploons of the power unit as a result of excessive increase in pressure.
  2. To fill in oil in the engine it is necessary to remove a carving cover of a jellied mouth. In order to avoid spraying of oil during its gas station in the engine use a funnel, or a butterdish with a long nose. Having filled in oil, screw and strongly tighten a cover of a jellied mouth, then start the engine and attentively examine a drain stopper and the surface of an oil filter interfaced to the block on existence of signs of leaks. Kill the engine, wait 5-10 minutes during which oil will merge in the pallet, then double-check its level.

Excess of oil needs to be merged or pumped out from a case, - the excessive level of motive oil can be the reason of failure of the catalytic converter. Track reliability of tightening of a cover of a jellied mouth.

  1. Check of level of engine oil is the important preventive procedure of service of the engine. Continuous decrease in level demonstrates existence of leak of oil as a result of failure of epiploons, damage of sealing laying, wear of piston rings or the directing plugs of valves. If oil on color or a consistence reminds milk, or at it there are water drops, it speaks about possible damage of laying of a head of cylinders, or formation of cracks to a body of a head(s) or the block. Check has to be made immediately. During measurement of level of oil always check also its state. Big and index fingers remove oil traces from a probe edge, - in case of presence at it of small metal particles oil is subject to replacement (see the Section Replacement of Motive Oil and Oil Filter).

Cooling liquid of the engine


Do not allow hit of antifreeze on open parts of the body and the painted surfaces of the car. Immediately wash away casual splashes a plentiful amount of water. Remember that antifreeze is extremely toxic liquid and its hit in an organism even in small amounts is fraught with the most serious consequences, up to a lethal outcome. Never leave antifreeze stored in leaky closed container, immediately collect the cooling liquid spilled on a floor. Remember that the sweetish smell of antifreeze can draw to itself attention of children and animals. About ways utilization of the fulfilled cooling liquid consult with local authorities, - in many regions of the world special points on different reception of working off are equipped. Do not merge old cooling liquid in the sewerage and on the earth at all!

Recently nontoxical grades of antifreeze are developed, nevertheless, they also had to be utilized in an organized order.

  1. All cars considered in this manual are equipped with the cooling system of compensation type working with an excessive pressure. The white plastic broad tank is located in a motive compartment and connected by a hose to a radiator. In process of an engine warming up in the course of its work the extending cooling liquid fills a tank. When cooling the engine cooling liquid automatically comes back to the cooling system that provides maintenance of constant value of its level. The control lamp included in structure of a combination of devices warns about dangerous falling of level of cooling liquid of the driver (see the Section Combination of Devices, measuring instruments and control lamps and light indicators). The sensor switch of level of cooling liquid is located in the lower part of a broad tank of the cooling system.
  2. Check of level of cooling liquid in the tank has to be made regularly, at strictly horizontal position of the car and the switched-off engine. In a cold state the level of cooling liquid has to reach the mark "COLD LEVEL" applied on a translucent wall of a tank. After an engine warming up the level of cooling liquid rises still approximately by 1.0 - 1.5 cm. In case of need make the corresponding adjustment, - add only liquid of the required structure (see Specifications).
  3. Having made a short trip on the car, once again measure the level of cooling liquid, - insignificant adjustment can be made by a dolivaniye of the distilled water, however, it is necessary to remember that frequent additions of water lead to antifreeze fluidifying therefore it is always more reasonable to add in system mix of the required structure.
  4. Regularly arising need for adjustment of level of cooling liquid confirm existence of its leaks (external or internal), - attentively study an external condition of a radiator, connecting hoses, covers of a jellied mouth, drain traffic jams and the water pump (see the Section Check of Functioning of the Cooling System and Frost Resistance of Cooling Liquid, liquid replacement). If it is not possible to reveal a leak source, check tightness of landing of covers of a broad tank and a radiator in conditions HUNDRED.
  5. Removal of covers of components of the cooling system has to be made after full cooling of the engine. Wrap up a cover rags and turn off it to the first point of weakening of resistance, - if at the same time from under a cover steam or cooling liquid begins to escape, let's the engine cool down a little more, and only then finally uncover.
  6. It is also necessary to check a condition of cooling liquid, it has to be rather pure. If liquid has reddish-brown coloring, it needs to be merged, then to wash out a path of the cooling system and to fill it with fresh mix of the required structure. Even if cooling liquid looks normally, the corrosion inhibitors which are its part lose over time the efficiency therefore replacement anyway should be made according to the Schedule of routine maintenance.
  7. Check of resilience of cooling liquid to freezing is made by means of the areometer.

Brake fluid


Brake fluid can do harm to your eyes and damage the painted surfaces of the car therefore be extremely careful at the treatment of her. Do not use brake fluid which long time stood open, or which there are more than one year. Brake fluid has property to absorb moisture from air that can lead to dangerous loss of efficiency of the brake system. Use only the recommended type of brake fluid. Mixing of various types of liquid can lead to failure of the brake system.

  1. The main cylinder of the brake system is installed in a back left corner of a motive compartment. Prevents operation of the control lamp which is built in a combination of devices about falling of level of brake fluid of the driver (see the Section Combination of Devices, measuring instruments and control lamps and light indicators) which float-operated sensor switch is built in a cover of the tank of the main brake cylinder (MBC).

The sensor switch of level of brake fluid is built in a GTTs tank cover

  1. Level of brake fluid is checked visually and has to be between the marks "MAX" and "MIN" applied on translucent walls of the GTTs tank. In case of need make the corresponding adjustment, having added the required quantity is fresher than liquid through a tank mouth, - before an otvorachivaniye of a cover wipe the tank outside in order to avoid hit to the hydraulic highway of dirt.

It is not necessary to fill in excessive amount of liquid in the tank.

  1. At uncovered check liquid and walls of the GTTs tank for existence of signs of pollution. In case of identification of presence of particles of a rust, dirt or drops of water, liquid should be replaced with subsequent "pumping" of the brake system.
  2. Having finished adjustment/replacement, track flatness of landing and reliability of tightening of a cover of the tank.
  3. Gradual lowering of level of liquid in the GTTs tank is connected with wear of brake shoes. Need for addition of liquid is absent if its level does not fall below the mark "MIN", - in case of need check a condition of frictional overlays of blocks, - replacement of blocks will lead to automatic alignment of level.
  4. If need for adjustment of level of brake fluid arises regularly, it is necessary without to check carefully a hydraulic path of the brake system for existence of signs of development of leaks, - attentively survey a condition of supports / wheel cylinders, GTTs, brake tubes, hoses and their nipple connections, (see the Sections Check of the Brake System and Check of a State and replacement of hoses of a motive compartment, localization of leaks).
  5. When lowering level of liquid in the GTTs tank below the mark "MIN" the brake system should be "pumped over" (see the Head Tormoznaya and auxiliary systems).

Liquid of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel (GUR)


If liquid level in the tank fell below the zone corresponding to the current temperature range, steering with the hydraulic amplifier of the steering mechanism needs to be checked in a specialized workshop as liquid loss takes place, - idle time of adjustment of level in this case will be insufficiently!

Check of level of GUR liquid is made at a temperature about 20 °C. Level of liquid has to be between the marks "MIN" and "MOVE" in walls of the tank of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel. The full volume of the tank makes 1.2 l.

Liquid of washing of glasses/lenses of headlights


Easily we ignite a concentrate of stekloomyvayushchy means! At the address with a concentrate of stekloomyvayushchy means use of fire opened a flame and smoking are forbidden.

  1. The tank of liquid of washing of glasses is installed in the left forward corner of a motive compartment, behind the left block headlight and is equipped with a jellied mouth with a cover of bayonetny type. Capacity of the tank makes about 7.6 l (see Specifications).

Location of the tank of liquid of washing of glasses/lenses of headlights in a motive compartment (for all models)

  1. Prevents operation of the control lamp which is built in a combination of devices about falling of level of liquid of the driver, - the sensor switch of a control lamp is built in in the top part of the tank of the washing liquid.
  2. In areas with a temperate climate the system can be filled with usual water, but it is recommended to add to means water for washing of glasses (the summer concentrate of MV has marking of S). The tank has to be filled no more than on two thirds that there was a free space on a case of expansion of water when freezing. In areas with cold climatic conditions it is necessary to use the special concentrate for washing of a windshield (marking of W) reducing a liquid freezing point which can be got in any shop of automobile accessories. Usually it is on sale in the concentrated or ready look. If you bought the concentrated antifreeze, mix it with water according to the instruction of the producer on packing.

Do not use cooling system antifreeze - it will damage the painted surfaces of the car!