
13.1.20. Removal and installation of external handles of doors

Details of installation of the external handle of a forward door

9 — Screws

10 — the Opening under the screw


  1. Details of installation of the external handle of a forward door are shown on an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Release the fixing screw (6).
  3. Take and remove a guide of the castle cylinder (2).
  4. Delay the handle (1) assembled with the basis (4) back and release it from the bearing arm (8).
  5. Remove the basis (5).
  6. In case of need remove an internal upholstery and a sealing film (see the Section Removal and installation of panels of an internal upholstery of door assemblies) and through a service window in a doorframe take the bearing arm (8) of the external handle.
  7. Installation is made upside-down, - track correctness of landing of the basis (5) on the bearing arm (8). At installation of a guide of the castle cylinder (2) track correctness of input of a rotary rod (3) in gearing with the executive mechanism of the lock.

Back doors

Details of installation of the external handle of a back door

7 — Screws

8 — the Opening under the screw


  1. Details of installation of the external handle of a back door are shown on an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Release the fixing T25x100 (3) screw.
  3. Remove a guide (2).
  4. Delay the handle (1) assembled with the basis (4) back and release it from the bearing arm (6).
  5. Remove the basis (5).
  6. In case of need remove an internal upholstery and a sealing film (see the Section Removal and installation of panels of an internal upholstery of door assemblies) and through a service window in a doorframe take the bearing arm (6) of the external handle.
  7. Installation is made upside-down, - track correctness of landing of the basis (5) not bearing arm (6).

Back door

Details of installation of the external handle of a door of a back


  1. Details of installation of the external handle of a door of a back are shown on an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Remove an internal upholstery of door assembly (see the Section Removal and installation of panels of an internal upholstery of door assemblies).
  3. Give nuts (2) from the inside of a door.
  4. Disconnect an electrical wiring of lamps of illumination of registration plate (E19/3 and E19/4).
  5. Turn out screws (3) from the outer side of a door and remove the handle (1), - try not to damage a paint and varnish covering.
  6. Installation is made upside-down.