5.2.9. Bystry check of serviceability of functioning of the air conditioning system
Bystry check of serviceability of functioning of the air conditioning system (on the example of the series 901 minibus, - check is made for M-class models in a similar manner)
- Illustrative material on bystry check of serviceability of functioning of the air conditioning system is presented on an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
- Drive the car into a shadow, open all windows.
- Transfer the handle of the choice of temperature condition to position of COLD (Cold).
- Include the mode of supply of fresh air.
- Completely open sections through passage snuffled all air ducts.
- Start the engine on single turns.
- Include To/in, - turns of the engine have to increase.
- Include the maximum high-speed mode of functioning of the fan.
- Through an observation port of a receiver dehumidifier (2) make sure of lack of signs of a puzyreniye of coolant.
At primary start of svezhezapravlenny system formation of air bubbles should not cause concerns, - wait about 10 minutes, - bubbles have to disappear. |
- Attentively study an external condition of all components refrigerator To/in, by means of the special detector check them for existence of signs of development of leaks.
- Transfer the fan to the high-speed 1 mode and by means of the special measuring instrument (1) measure temperature of the air which is coming out via the central deflectors of the dashboard. 5 minutes of functioning of system later temperature of the air given to salon has to be in limits of the range of +2 °C of ÷ of +12 °C, and the K/V compressor has to pass into the cyclic mode (vkl-vykl), otherwise it is necessary to check a condition of the sensor switch of temperature of the evaporator.
- Switch off the conditioner and kill the engine, - more detailed checks of the K/V system have to be carried out in the conditions of a workshop of car service.