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4.5.4. Removal and installation of components of the GRM drive

Details of installation of an intermediate asterisk of TNVD of the engine of a series 612


  1. Details of installation of an intermediate asterisk of TNVD of the engine of a series 612 are shown on an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Remove panels of finishing of a cover of a head of cylinders.
  3. Remove nozzles (Y76) (see the Head of the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases).
  4. Uncover a head of cylinders (11).
  5. Having turned the engine in the normal direction, bring the piston of the first cylinder into the provision of VMT, - there has to be a combination of an adjusting tag of the camshaft with a tag on a cover of its bearing.
  6. Block the inlet camshaft (2) by means of the core (3) passed throughout an opening in a cover of the first bearing (A) and entered into an opening to a gear wheel of a shaft (5).
  7. Remove assembly of a natyazhitel of a chain (9) (see below)
  8. Remove a forward cover of a head of cylinders (4) (see the Section Removal and installation of the engine).
  9. Remove a guide of a chain (12) (see below).
  10. Remove TNVD (see the Head of the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases).
  11. Mark the provision of a gas-distributing chain on a driving asterisk of the camshaft (6).
  12. Otboltite an asterisk (6) from the final camshaft (1).

Bolts of fastening of an asterisk (13) are subject to replacement without fail.

  1. Remove an asterisk (6), - try not to drop the directing pin (7).
  2. Turn out a bolt of fastening of an intermediate asterisk (14) and remove the last assembled with the plug (15).
  3. Installation is made upside-down, - track correctness of basic installation of camshafts (see the Section Installation of Basic Position of Camshafts).
  4. In conclusion start the engine and check it for existence of signs of development of leak of oil and fuel.

Natyazhitel of a chain

Details of installation of a natyazhitel of a gas-distributing chain of the engine of a series 612

Preparation for removal of the lower directing gas-distributing chain of the engine of a series 612

Details of installation of the lower directing gas-distributing chain of the engine of a series 612

3 — a GRM drive Cover
4 — the case Pallet

5 — the Guide
6 — the Bearing pin


  1. Details of installation of a natyazhitel of a gas-distributing chain of the engine of a series 612 are shown on an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Having turned a bent shaft in the normal direction, bring the engine into the provision of VMT of the piston of the first cylinder, - tags of the camshaft and a cover of its bearing have to be combined.
  3. Remove an air inlet.
  4. Remove a natyazhitel of a chain (1).
  5. Installation is made upside-down, - do not forget to replace a sealing element (2).
  6. Lower guide of a chain
  7. Illustrative material on preparation for removal and a detail of installation of the lower directing gas-distributing chain of the engine of a series 612 are shown on illustrations to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  8. Remove a head of cylinders (see the Section Removal and installation of a head(s) of cylinders).
  9. Uncover the GRM drive (see the Section Removal and installation of covers of the GRM drive).
  10. Remove the lower guide (5) from the bearing pin (6).
  11. Installation is made upside-down.
  12. In conclusion start the engine and check it for existence of signs of development of leaks. Also make cleaning of memory of the module of onboard self-diagnostics.

Sending to a chain on a head of cylinders

Details of installation of the directing chain on a head of cylinders of the engine of a series 612

1 — the Panel of finishing of a cover of a head of cylinders
2 — the Panel of finishing of the air distributor
3 — the Cover of a head of cylinders
4 — the Vacuum pump
5 — the Forward cover of a head of cylinders
6 — the Directing pin
7 — the Blocking ratchet

8 — the Top guide of a chain
9 — Natyazhitel of a chain
10 — the Sealing element
11 — the Driving element
13 — the Fuel pump


  1. Details of installation of the directing chain on a head of cylinders of the engine of a series 612 are shown on an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Remove the panel of finishing of a cover of a head of cylinders (1).
  3. Having turned a bent shaft in the normal direction, bring the engine into the provision of VMT of the piston of the first cylinder, - tags of the camshaft and a cover of its bearing have to be combined.
  4. Remove a natyazhitel of a chain (9) (see above).
  5. Remove a forward cover of a head of cylinders (5) (see the Section Removal and installation of covers of the GRM drive).
  6. Block the camshaft, having passed a special core throughout an opening in a cover of its first bearing and having filled it in a driving gear wheel.
  7. Otboltite driving element (11) of the inlet camshaft.
  8. Remove the top guide of a chain (8).
  9. Installation is made upside-down.
  10. In conclusion start the engine and check it for existence of signs of development of leaks.

Tension level

Details of installation of a tension level on the series 612 engine

6 — the Intermediate gear wheel of TNVD

Preparation for removal of a tension level from the series 612 engine


  1. Illustrative material on preparation for removal and a detail of installation of a tension level on the engine of a series 612 are shown on illustrations to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Remove a head of cylinders (see the Section Removal and installation of a head(s) of cylinders).
  3. Uncover the GRM (3) drive (see the Section Removal and installation of covers of the GRM drive).

Need for dismantle of the pallet of a case (4) is absent, - try not to damage sealing laying of the pallet.

  1. Remove a tension level (7) from the bearing pin (8).
  2. Installation is made upside-down.
  3. In conclusion start the engine and check it for existence of signs of development of leaks. Also make cleaning of memory of the module of onboard self-diagnostics (see the Head Sistemy of electric equipment of the engine).


Intermediate asterisk of TNVD

Details of installation of an intermediate asterisk of TNVD of the engine of a series 628

1 — the Final camshaft
2 — the Inlet camshaft
3 — the Blocking core
4 — the Forward cover
5 — the Gear wheel of the inlet camshaft
6 — the Leading asterisk of the camshaft
7 — the Directing pin
8 — Natyazhitel of a chain
9 — the Sealing element

10 — the Cover of a head of cylinders
11 — the Bolt
12 — the Intermediate asterisk of TNVD with the coupling of an advancing of an angle of injection
13 — the Plug
14 — TNVD
15 — the Vacuum pump
17 — the Centrifuge
And — the Opening
Y76 — the Nozzle

Details of installation of an intermediate asterisk of TNVD of the engine of a series 628

12 — the Intermediate asterisk of TNVD with the coupling of an advancing of an angle of injection
14 — TNVD

18 — the Nest
19 — the Floating coupling of an advancing of an angle of injection


  1. Details of installation of an intermediate asterisk of TNVD of the engine of a series 628 are shown on illustrations to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Uncover a head of cylinders (10).
  3. Remove the centrifuge (17).
  4. By means of the special cores (3) passed through covers of the first bearings and entered openings of driving gear wheels (A) block inlet camshafts (2) both heads of cylinders.
  5. Remove a natyazhitel of a chain (8) (see below).
  6. Remove TNVD (14)
  7. Remove the vacuum pump (15)
  8. Remove a forward cover (4) heads of cylinders (see the Section Removal and installation of covers of the GRM drive).
  9. Mark the provision of a chain on an asterisk (6) of the camshaft.
  10. Remove an asterisk (6) from a pin of a shaft (1).
  11. Take the inlet camshaft (2) from the right head of cylinders.
  12. Turn out a bolt of fastening of an intermediate asterisk of TNVD (12).
  13. Remove an asterisk (12) together with a cylindrical insert (13).
  14. Installation is made upside-down. Track that at the TNVD installation the nest (18) of an asterisk (12) was developed in the same direction, as a zero tag (arrow). Do not forget to replace a sealing element of a natyazhitel.
  15. In conclusion start the engine and check it for existence of signs of development of leaks.
  16. Also clear memory of the module of onboard self-diagnostics (see the Head Sistemy of electric equipment of the engine).

Natyazhitel of a chain

Details of installation of a natyazhitel of a gas-distributing chain of the engine of a series 628


  1. Details of installation of a natyazhitel of a gas-distributing chain of the engine of a series 628 are shown on an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Remove the generator (G2) (see the Head Sistemy of electric equipment of the engine).
  3. Remove a natyazhitel of a chain (1).
  4. Installation is made upside-down, - do not forget to replace a sealing element.

Tension level

Preparation for removal of a tension level from the series 628 engine

1 — the Air cleaner
3 — the Cooler of a path of pressurization of air
4 — the Belt of the drive of auxiliary units
5 — the Damper of tortional fluctuations / a pulley of a driving belt
6 — Covers of a head of cylinders
7 — the Vacuum pump
8 — the Forward cover
9 — the Cover

10 — the Centrifuge
11 — TNVD
B2/6 — the Left MAF sensor
B2/7 — the Right MAF sensor
M16/5 — the Activator of a butterfly valve
G2 — the Generator
Y76 — the Nozzle

Details of installation of a tension level on the series 628 engine

12 — the Inlet camshaft
13 — the Blocking core
14 — a camshaft Gear wheel
15 — the Final camshaft
16 — a camshaft Asterisk
17 — the Bolt
18 — the Directing pin
19 — the Sealing element

20 — Natyazhitel of a chain
21 — the Bolt
22 — the Plug
23 — the Intermediate asterisk of TNVD
24 — the Directing pins
25 — the Shock extractor
26 — the Tension level
And — the Opening


  1. Illustrative material on preparation for removal and a detail of installation of a tension level on the engine of a series 612 are shown on illustrations to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Remove the air distributor.
  3. Disconnect and take aside the right sleeve of an inlet path of pressurization of air.
  4. Remove a loker of protection of an arch of the left forward wheel.
  5. Disconnect and take aside the left sleeve of an inlet path of pressurization of air.
  6. Uncover left and right nozzles.
  7. Remove nozzles (Y76) (see the Head of the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases).
  8. Uncover a head of cylinders (6).
  9. Remove bypass an air sleeve.
  10. Take off a belt of the drive of auxiliary units (4).
  11. Remove a damper of tortional fluctuations / a pulley of a driving belt (5).
  12. Remove the vacuum pump (7).
  13. Remove TNVD (11).
  14. Remove a forward cover (8) of a head of cylinders (see the Section Removal and installation of covers of the GRM drive).
  15. Remove the generator (G2) (see the Head Sistemy of electric equipment of the engine).
  16. Block inlet camshafts (12) both heads of cylinders.
  17. Mark the provision of a chain on an asterisk of the camshaft (16).
  18. Remove a natyazhitel of a chain (20) (see above).
  19. Otboltite an asterisk (16) also remove it from a pin of the final camshaft (15).
  20. Remove an intermediate asterisk of TNVD (23) assembled with a cylindrical insert (22).
  21. By means of a shock extractor (25) beat out the directing pins (24).
  22. Having pulled up and outside, remove a tension level (26).
  23. Installation is made upside-down.
  24. In conclusion start the engine and check it for existence of signs of development of leaks. Also clear memory of the module of onboard self-diagnostics (see the Head Sistemy of electric equipment of the engine).